Arkendale Village News | If anyone has any news items to report or announce - anything to do with the village or its inhabitants - then please send it to This could be charity or special events, 'Big' birthdays, anniversaries etc. | ![]() |
The Parish Council now has its own dedicated website - please follow the link below:
Revised bus services for the village are in operation from today. The 21 route still exists, but there is a new route 182. Details can be found on the
Buses page here.
Victoria Houseman has established her new business in the village. A dog trainer and behaviourist, she is also a registered veterinary nurse.
Contact: or tel: 07794 539474.
The agenda for the three annual meetings of the Parish Council minutes are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
Villagers, Councillors & Local Businesses that supported the Platinum Jubilee Clock Restoration Project came together recently to celebrate in Arkendale and raise a glass. A special celebration was held - the new dials were blessed and short stories about the history of the clock were told, along with photos of the project showcased. A big thank you to all who supported and came along. We could not have done it without you!
The January Parish Council minutes are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
The judge, Phil Jackson, of the Blue Bell Inn, toured the village this lunchtime viewing the 15 decorated doors. The winner will be announced on Sunday at the Arkendale Jubilee Picnic, at 2pm.
In the meantime, if you wish to see any of the decorations, you can follow the map below, or see photographs of the individual ones on this webpage.
The parish council has a vacancy, WILL YOU COME AND JOIN US?
Please help shape your village - become a parish councillor.
Are you interested in the life of your village, your parish, your local environment, transport, planning? These are just a few of the areas where we get involved to make a difference to our community.
To find out more about the parish council and the role please contact Councillor Jon West at
This is a part time position, approx 10 hours per month, working primarily from home. For further details, click here to see the vacancy PDF notice.
A wonderful selection of prizes including champagne, wine, Harrogate Tipple Trio and Bettys Christmas hampers, Slingsby gin, and Theakston ales.
Tickets £5 a strip. Available from Jean (340586) or Annie (340944) or available from the Community Hall on 12 December, 12.00pm to 2.30pm
We are restarting the showing of films at Arkendale Community Hall. Due to the continuing Covid-19 situation, we will be restricting the audience to 30 people. As a result we are asking you to book your place at the showing in advance. If there are sufficient numbers beyond the first 30, for any showing, we will consider holding a second showing for that film. Tea/coffee, bar and interval ice creams as before.
Due to the conditions of our umbrella licence (which we use for most of the showings), we are not able to make the film names publicly available on the website
The first three films are as follows (doors open 7.00pm, performance starts 7.30pm)
The second Wednesday of each month, commencing Wednesday 10 November, 10.30 - 11.45
£1 for coffee/tea with cake/biscuits. Come along and meet up with friends for a chat. All welcome.
This year, the Church are offering two different cards for sale - see below.
When asked about the inspiration for the village view linocut, the designer, Vanessa, said 'As you drive from the A1 bridge towards the village, there is a little hill and as you reach the peak you see this glimpse of the church with rolling fields just before the road dips again. It's only a millisecond view but to me it's the moment when I breathe a sigh of relief and know I'm home'.
Details of the cards and how to order can be found in this PDF file (click here).
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The minutes for the May Parish Council meetings are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
Arkendale Community Hall is re-opening for bookings from Monday 3rd August 2020
As the LINK is not being printed at present, the PDF version is being made available here.
See: Link - May 2020
Harrogate & Ripon Centres for Voluntary Service provide advice and guidance on staying safe, opportunities for community involvement and volunteering, local charity services, practical support services and more. See:
The new centenary bench, situated at the entrance to Dale Lane on the Coneythorpe road at the south end of Arkendale, was built by David Hargreaves (agricultural engineer) in Coneythorpe, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of H. Houseman & Son farming in Arkendale.
Hubert's grandfather bought the farm in 1919 and moved with his wife and 5 boys, all under the age of 17, from a stock farm at Brimham Rocks. The cattle were walked by road to Arkendale. Reginald Houseman had only been at Dale Farm for 2 years when he was killed in a tragic horse and cart accident. This left his wife, Annie, and 5 young boys to run the farm. Only 2 of the 5 boys married and Hubert is the only child. The farm was run by the 5 men and then later by Hubert and Peter, as we see it today. The whole family rest in Arkendale Cemetery.
The Houseman family would like everyone to enjoy and use this bench.
As the LINK is not being printed and distributed this month, the PDF version is being made available here.
See: Link - April 2020
If there is anyone in isolation or otherwise who needs any shopping, or would like to talk to someone, then please see the explanatory leaflet below. The Church and Parish Council are working together to provide support for people in the parish.
Coneythorpe & Clareton residents can also contact their Community Help Line 07958 347237 or email for support within their village.
See: Arkendale church support leaflet
The agenda for the March Parish Council meeting are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
We are in need of volunteers to help cutting the grass in Arkendale Church and graveyard.
We meet up on a Monday evening at 6pm, fortnightly in the spring, summer and early autumn, mow the grass then adjourn to The Bluebell for well earned refreshments.
If you are able to help with your mower, please contact Tim Braithwaite - 07718 530 577
The minutes for the January Parish Council meeting are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
Recently, Mike Burniston held a charity clay shoot on the farm, which raised £545.00 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Thanks to all involved in making it a special day and for everyone's generosity. Well done!
The of the May Parish Council meetings on are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
The minutes of the 23rd January Parish Council meeting are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
The vacancy is for the role of Parish Council Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer
The new CPAD (Community Public Access Defibrillator) is now installed and operational on the external wall of the Blue Bell (to the right of the Main Entrance from the car park (opposite the Community Hall entrance).
To access and use it...
The agenda for the 23rd January Parish Council meeting on are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
The Arkendale bonfire, on 3rd November, held a collection for this year's charity, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Many thanks Mike Burniston & Paul Cocker for arranging the event and donating the fireworks, and to all who attended raising the magnificent total of £807.25.
We can look forward to exceeding that at next year's bonfire!
The agenda for the 21st November Parish Council meeting on are now available. To view them, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents
The main Mar works have now been completed. We have cleared the willow, removed silts, reopened the outfall and created new ponds and a footpath across the site (which won't be dry enough to be used for a few weeks yet). There are more works to do including installing bat and bird boxes and a life buoy, removing some more self seeded willow from the road side of the Mar and planting new trees and grass seeding. We also still have work to do to the north bank to remove tipped rubbish and plant new trees but this won't be done until the new year. There are some photos attached showing some during and after shots including one of our ecologist Bernadette who has been pivotal in facilitating the project in light of the great crested newts present.
For more details and pictures see the Nature conservation of the Mar project
The tree planting project around the parish will take place in November and involves more than 1km of gaps in hedgerows being planted up and a significant number of new trees being planted in various locations around Arkendale, Coneythorpe and Clareton. Following discussions with the council we will not be removing any trees from Moor Lane through Arkendale as was the original proposal, rather there will be a few new trees added. You may notice that the council carried out some tree maintenance along Moor Lane in the summer and this has greatly improved many of the existing trees.
For more details and pictures see the Tree planting and hedgerow gapping project
The minutes of the September Parish Council meeting are now available. To view these minutes, click here.
See the Parish Council Documents page for other minutes and official documents
Following interviews in July, Revd. Claire Renshaw, Curate in the Knaresborough Team Ministry, has been appointed as Priest in Charge of The Benefice of Walkingham Hill (which covers Arkendale, Staveley, Farnham, Scotton and Copgrove). Her Licensing service will be held at Staveley Church on 11 October at 7.00 pm.
Reverend Claire will be moving from Knaresborough with her husband, Steve, and their two children, Thomas and Sophie.
Details of church services at St Bartholomew's, and the others in the Benefice, can be found on the village website.
Archdeacon Beverley Mason, from Ripon, who has guided the benefice through the vacancy period, is to be the next Bishop of Warrington.
There are a number of people in the Harrogate area who have had money stolen from their account by various scams in recent weeks. In one case an Arkendale resident was the victim of a scamming attack. Please take great care when responding to calls from banks, utility companies or other organisations - even the police!.
Genuine calls will never ask for your bank account details, or ask you to transfer money from your accounts, or ask you to do something strange with your mobile phone. Always assume the worst - however plausible the caller sounds - especially if they seem to be offering you a refund or asserting your accounts are in danger.
If you feel you need to check with the company or bank concerned, then do so - BUT a) either do it from a different telephone, or leave it at least an hour after putting the phone down (as some scammers can hijack your line), and b) use the published telephone number from the phone book, your own documents or the organisation's website. Don't use any numbers given by the caller.
Do report any suspicious calls to the Police - tel: 101, or report it to Action Fraud by visiting or by calling 0300 123 2040. In an emergency dial 999.
Some residents are being troubled by dog fouling on the land in front of their houses. While most of the dog walkers in the village are responsible dog-owners who carry and use their little plastic bags whenever necessary, it spoils it for everyone when this courtesy is not adhered to by everyone.
It would be very much appreciated please if this problem could be 'cleared up' during future walks for the benefit of all.
Arkendale PCC would like to sincerely thank all who have attended or supported the last few fundraising events held this summer and autumn. We have mixed events old and new to appeal to as many residents and businesses as possible and we are pleased to report the following .
The ecology and hydrological reports by the consultants working on the Mar are now available.
For the reports and also the documents on the initial tree and hedge assessments, see the AWRP Fund pages
North Yorkshire Police Community Messaging - allows the Police to identify and message specific geographical or business groups and send out news or warnings about specific issues. The system allows residents to opt for e-mail, text, phone voicemail messages for whichever location they choose, so you could also include work or school areas in addition to home addresses for example. - This is a Home Office security level property register, which is free. Any personal items that have a serial number or code on can be registered on the site. Police can then use the list to search and reunite owners with stolen or lost items. It is very easy to use - though again, it needs computer or smartphone access, and is a 'wet Sunday afternoon' type activity - to record a few valuable items to your personal file.
We also have available a dot pen property marking device which can be used to put identifying postcode or names on a variety of property items. This is a small, electronic dot punch that can mark in different size and depth letters. It can be used to mark metal bike frames but there are a host of other possibilities, including tack and tools etc. (I have even done watches!) If a number of persons in the parish were wanting a combined marking visit, or a person has a number of items and would like an appointment, please pass on my details or get in touch.
PCSO 5510 Philip Wright
Response and Reassurance
Knaresborough and Boroughbridge NPT
North Yorkshire Police
The Arkendale Manor was sold twice in the last century or so. Firstly in 1882, and then again in 1919 when it was largely broken up. The sale prospectuses are available to view here.
Arkendale Manor sale prospectus - 1882
Arkendale Manor sale prospectus - 1919
A cleaned up version of the map in the 1882 prospectus is available on the maps page of this website.
The village telephone box was decommissioned and adopted by the Parish Council in 2011. As the box was in poor condition when it was decommissioned, it was agreed that it should be refurbished so that it was fit for whatever purpose was decided. Some of the grant from the AWRP Community Fund was used to renew the glazing and frames of the box, restoring the "Telephone" signs, repairing or replacing any defects in the body and frame, and repainting it.
We are now actively looking for a use for the phone box. Current ideas are defibrillator, book exchange, noticeboard, a community fruit/veg/egg exchange where people can swap produce or a community honesty box for flowers/produce.
Any suggestions or comments on the above ideas, please contact Oliver Quarmby -
This image of St Bartholomew's Church is taken from a painting. It shows the church before alterations were made in the 1880s and also, if you look closely, a crack in the barn wall to the east of the church. This crack is clearly remembered by Hubert Houseman, who was kind enough to allow his print of the painting to be added to the website.
The painting was discovered in Australia many years ago when a village resident was visiting some relatives. She encountered an art dealer who, on finding out where she came from, announced that he had a painting of the church in Arkendale! Sadly the painting was not signed, so we do no know who the artist was. However the painting was purchased and brought back to Arkendale.
We are sad to announce that the Church clock will remain at 12.45 for some considerable time. It has worked well since 1912 but, not surprisingly, has now grown 'tired' and needs cleaning and repairing.
We have had a church clock expert to look at it and the cleaning alone will be about £1,000, and the repairs an unknown amount until they can be assessed. Perhaps in the distant future something can be done, but at the present time dealing with the damp in the Church is the priority.
For the time being, therefore, we will be the village 'where time has stood still'!
Arkendale Bear - Many of you may have noticed the 3 metre high teddy bear made from straw bales and wondered what it's all about. The teddy bear was made by Arkendale resident Wendy Lill (Houseman) in aid of Saint Michaels Hospice.
Wendy is running a competition to name the bear. If you or your children would like to guess his name, details can be found on (just search for Wendy Lill).
The bear is situated as you approach the village from the A168 just past the A1 flyover. Do take a look next time you pass you can't miss him!
A meeting was held in the Blue Bell Inn to discuss ideas for projects in and around the village. A significant amount of money is available over the next five years for projects in the communities near to the Allerton Waste Recovery Park, and Arkendale should ensure it does not lose the opportunities this fund provides.
26 members of the village attended. A number of suggestions were discussed and five of the more popular ones were selected initially for further investigation.
The minutes of the meeting are available here