Arkendale Village News

If anyone has any news items to report or announce - anything to do with the village or its inhabitants - then please send it to This could be charity or special events, 'Big' birthdays, anniversaries etc.


10 January 2025 - New Parish Council Website

The Parish Council now has its own dedicated website - please follow the link below:


8 April 2024 - New Bus Timetables

Revised bus services for the village are in operation from today. The 21 route still exists, but there is a new route 182. Details can be found on the Buses page here.


4 June 2023 - Sunnyside K9 Academy

Victoria Houseman has established her new business in the village. A dog trainer and behaviourist, she is also a registered veterinary nurse.
Contact: or tel: 07794 539474.


24 May 2023 - Parish Council agenda

The agenda for the three annual meetings of the Parish Council minutes are now available. To view them, click here.

See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


21 May 2023 - Time to Shine!

Villagers, Councillors & Local Businesses that supported the Platinum Jubilee Clock Restoration Project came together recently to celebrate in Arkendale and raise a glass. A special celebration was held - the new dials were blessed and short stories about the history of the clock were told, along with photos of the project showcased. A big thank you to all who supported and came along. We could not have done it without you!


25 January 2023 - Parish Council minutes

The January Parish Council minutes are now available. To view them, click here.

See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


3rd June 2022 - Jubilee decorations competition

The judge, Phil Jackson, of the Blue Bell Inn, toured the village this lunchtime viewing the 15 decorated doors. The winner will be announced on Sunday at the Arkendale Jubilee Picnic, at 2pm.
In the meantime, if you wish to see any of the decorations, you can follow the map below, or see photographs of the individual ones on this webpage.


6th May 2022 - Arkendale Platinum Jubilee Party on Sunday 5th June

  • At Eileen & Hubert Houseman's garden, from 12pm
  • Bring your own picnic food/drink/chairs
  • Toast to the Queen with fizz (and cake) at 2pm
  • Musical entertainment
  • Children's fancy dress - 'British' theme
  • Village residents' photograph
  • Village 'royal' doors competition
  • Children's drawing/painting of the Queen competition
  • If you have a gazebo and/or garden games and would like to bring them, please let us know.

Village doors competition
Decorate your front door with a 'royal' theme. The winner will be selected by an external judge and will receive a West Park Inns voucher. Please inform Gavin by the end of 31 May if you wish to be included in the competition. We will produce a list of all entries so that everyone has a chance to view them.

Children's drawing/painting competition
Children are invited to produce a picture of the Queen. There will be three prizes in the age groups 0-5, 6-10, 11-16, and will be judged by local artists. Deadline for completion, 31 May. Entries will be collected and displayed in the Village Hall for the Party. Please inform Gavin when the artwork(s) are completed.

Fancy dress
Children are invited to dress up for the event, using a 'British' theme. No prizes will be awarded, but a small gift will be presented to all who take part. So that we can arrange suitable numbers, please inform Gavin by 31 May if your children expect to take part.

Village photograph
We intend to take a group photograph of all attendees. This will be shortly after the fizz/cake proceedings. Similar photographs were taken in 1911 and 2002.

Gazebos and games
If you have a gazebo you'd like to bring, please let us know so that we can arrange for you to set it up in advance - hopefully suitably decorated!
If you have any garden games you could bring, for people to enjoy during the event, feel free to do so, but it would be useful to know what you intend to bring.

A few tables will be available, but it would be helpful if you could bring your own picnic table if you have one.
No barbeques
Please only use the Village Hall car park to load/unload or drop off. We would like to keep the spaces available for those who really need them on the day. If you do need to park in the car park, it would help if you let us know beforehand.

Gavin Holman - 341945 -
Caroline Houseman - 340240 -


21st April 2022 - Parish Councillor Vacancy

The parish council has a vacancy, WILL YOU COME AND JOIN US?
Please help shape your village - become a parish councillor.
Are you interested in the life of your village, your parish, your local environment, transport, planning? These are just a few of the areas where we get involved to make a difference to our community.
To find out more about the parish council and the role please contact Councillor Jon West at


21st April 2022 - Parish Clerk Vacancy

This is a part time position, approx 10 hours per month, working primarily from home. For further details, click here to see the vacancy PDF notice.


1st December 2021 - Grand Christmas Raffle

A wonderful selection of prizes including champagne, wine, Harrogate Tipple Trio and Bettys Christmas hampers, Slingsby gin, and Theakston ales.
Tickets £5 a strip. Available from Jean (340586) or Annie (340944) or available from the Community Hall on 12 December, 12.00pm to 2.30pm


14th November 2021 - Arkendale Cinema to restart

We are restarting the showing of films at Arkendale Community Hall. Due to the continuing Covid-19 situation, we will be restricting the audience to 30 people. As a result we are asking you to book your place at the showing in advance. If there are sufficient numbers beyond the first 30, for any showing, we will consider holding a second showing for that film. Tea/coffee, bar and interval ice creams as before.

Due to the conditions of our umbrella licence (which we use for most of the showings), we are not able to make the film names publicly available on the website

The first three films are as follows (doors open 7.00pm, performance starts 7.30pm)

  • Friday 3 December - A detective investigates the death of a patriarch of an eccentric, combative family. Starring Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas
  • Friday 14 January - James Bond has left active service. His peace is short-lived when Felix Leiter, an old friend from the CIA, turns up asking for help, leading Bond onto the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology. Starring Daniel Craig, Ana de Armas, Rami Malek
  • Friday 11 February - Jo March reflects on her life, telling the story of the March sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms. Starring Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh

    Further future films and dates will be announced in the New Year. Payment on the door, £5 donation (or more if you're feeling generous!) - cash or cheque only.


    Please either email Gavin at, with subject "Arkendale Films" giving the name(s) of the attendees and the film night(s) required, or telephone 01423 341945 - if leaving a message, please give your name(s) and your phone number.
    Please do not attend if you, or a member of your household, have any cold, flu or COVID type symptoms, and please let us know if you are not coming for any reason so that we can offer your place to someone else.


    20th October 2021 - Coffee mornings to restart

    The second Wednesday of each month, commencing Wednesday 10 November, 10.30 - 11.45

    £1 for coffee/tea with cake/biscuits. Come along and meet up with friends for a chat. All welcome.


    11th October 2021 - Arkendale Christmas Cards

    This year, the Church are offering two different cards for sale - see below.

    When asked about the inspiration for the village view linocut, the designer, Vanessa, said 'As you drive from the A1 bridge towards the village, there is a little hill and as you reach the peak you see this glimpse of the church with rolling fields just before the road dips again. It's only a millisecond view but to me it's the moment when I breathe a sigh of relief and know I'm home'.

    Details of the cards and how to order can be found in this PDF file (click here).


    18th May 2021 - Parish Council minutes available

    The minutes for the May Parish Council meetings are now available. To view them, click here.

    See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


    29 January 2021

    • Northern Energy Fuel and LPG Storage site - Northern Energy are planning to relocate their fuel and lpg storage and distribution business . They are looking at a site on the far side of the A168 just south of Limber Lane (opposite the Happy Paws dog park). ELG are the consultation company they are using and they will be putting in a planning application for this proposed facility in due course.
      Their proposal leaflet (pdf) can be seen here: ELG proposal.

      More details are available at:

      The Parish Council is keen for all residents to look at the plans and make their thoughts known at the earliest opportunity. Further details are given in the poster here (click for PDF version).



    26 January 2021

    • Flaxby Park - new plans
      Flaxby Park Ltd's latest venture is to develop a 'Sustainable Eco Lodge Holiday Resort' on the site of the old Flaxby Golf Course. Their full planning application con be viewed and downloaded by following this link Flaxby Resort planning application.
      Click the picture to see a larger version.

      Should you have any comments, suggestions or questions would you please respond to Jon West by 31 January 2021, so that the Parish Council can formulate its response by the deadline of next week.



    2 November 2020

    • Due to the latest lockdown, Arkendale Community Hall will close its doors to bookings from Thursday 5th November. An assessment of when it will be safe and appropriate to re-open the Hall will take place in early January.



    29 October 2020

    • Arkendale Christmas Card - a special Christmas Card has been produced showing the Christmas lights in Arkendale, to be sold in aid of Arkendale Church funds, priced at £5 for a pack of 5 cards and envelopes. We have been unable to hold any fundraising events since March, so we are hoping villagers and others living nearby will purchase some, to help our funds.
      See the POSTER here for full details and how to obtain them.
      If you are able, we would welcome any one off donations to church funds, to enable the church to stay open in these difficult times, and for the benefit ofall in our community.


    29 October 2020

    • Issues of the LINK Parish Magazine are now available on line from this website - see: LINK Magazine page.



    24 October 2020

    • Pilates Classes - these have started again at Arkendale Community Hall. Mondays 8.45am, 10.15am, 11.45am, and 1.15pm. Also available via Zoom at those times.
      For details and to register see:


    6 October 2020


    19 September 2020

    • In the Dog House - Some residents are again being troubled by dog fouling on the land and paths in front of their houses. While most of the dog walkers in the village are responsible dog-owners who carry and use their little plastic bags whenever necessary, it spoils it for everyone when this courtesy is not adhered to by everyone. Worse still, there are some others who bag the waste but then throw it into a nearby hedge where it hangs - a visible health hazard and dangerous to wildlife. There has been a marked increase in the last few weeks of incidents around the village. It would be very much appreciated please if this problem could be 'cleared up' during future walks for the benefit of all.


    29 August 2020

    • Services are restarting in St Bartholomew's Church, Arkendale, and at other churches in the Benefice. For details, see the Church Services page


    28 August 2020


    2nd August 2020

    Arkendale Community Hall is re-opening for bookings from Monday 3rd August 2020

    1. For the time being we are restricting attendance to a maximum of 16 people at any event.
    2. The kitchen will not be available for use (other than to obtain fresh drinking water and to access the first aid kit).
    3. Hirers will be issued with additional "Special conditions of hire during Covid-19"
    4. Hirers will be required to perform and confirm their own risk assessment for their event. A sample risk assessment form will be provided, which is in addition to the normal risk assessment hirers should undertake as a condition of their hire of the Hall.
    5. In addition to the normal tidying/cleaning required of hirers, we will be asking them to clean items they will have touched, and a checklist will be provided to them.
    6. We will review the situation towards the end of August, and onwards, in the light of the general Covid-19 situation and government guidelines.
    7. Please contact our Bookings Secretary, Caroline, to discuss your requirements, as normal - see the Booking page


    12th May 2020

    • The Arkendale Community Group has been set up on Facebook for people in the village to exchange ideas and discuss any topics that are of interest. I'm sure it will be open to friends of the village as well. See:

    • Treasure Hunt - there are some boards with clues placed around the village, with the starting clue located at the base of the village notice board opposite the Blue Bell - thanks to the Drummond family who set it up.

    • In the Dog House - Some residents are again being troubled by dog fouling on the land and paths in front of their houses. While most of the dog walkers in the village are responsible dog-owners who carry and use their little plastic bags whenever necessary, it spoils it for everyone when this courtesy is not adhered to by everyone. There has been a marked increase in the last few weeks of incidents around the village. It would be very much appreciated please if this problem could be 'cleared up' during future walks for the benefit of all.

    • Painted rocks & pebbles have appeared in some places around the village, produced by some of the children.'

    • Arkendale Zoom Coffee Morning - Claire Renshaw, Rector of the Walkingham Hill Benefice, is organising this for Wednesday 3 June, at 10.00 am. If you'd like to join this virtual event (in the absence of the normal monthly coffee mornings in the Community Hall) then please use the following link on the day with the meeting/password details below [this will also be placed on the village website].
      Join Zoom Meeting -
      Meeting ID: 834 1018 6508
      Password: 7spGcS

    • A Red Kite pair are nesting in a tree along Westfield Lane. Photo courtesy Dave Challis.

    • VE Day pictures - the editors of the Link Parish Magazine are preparing the June edition and welcome any photos taken of VE Day in the villages. If you have anything you'd like to submit, please send them to me by the end of Thursday 14th (to meet their deadline of the 15th)

    • Coronavirus statistics - there is a lot of conflicting information about the virus and its spread, and "death by powerpoint" presentations abound. The following organisation has produced some interesting graphs which compare the different countries. I will leave it up to you to determine how useful or otherwise you find it. See:

    • Support Local is a new Harrogate based website which brings together shops and businesses in the area with details of their offers and services during lockdown See:

    • The Himalayan Balsam round The Mar in Arkendale is beginning to reappear - but it's currently really easy to pull up. Anyone walking round the pond is welcome to do a bit of weeding as they go. It would be good to capitalise on the work the village team did on getting rid of it last year.

    • For those of you that remember the Cabbage Patch Kids, a dolls craze for children in the early 1980's - I've often wondered what they'd grow up to become, and I found the answer in this picture [actually a lady from Hellidon, Northants c. 1920]

    • The latest residents' bulletin from Harrogate Borough Council can be found online here:

    • The latest North Yorkshire Now news email can be viewed here:

    • The Great Realisation is a poem, written by Tomos Roberts, which re-imagines our post-pandemic world. It is written in the form of a bed-time story that is being read to a child. Filmed at home with his younger brother and sister. If you haven't seen it yet, it is well worth looking at -

    • Tescos, good, occasionally busy later. Sainsburys, moderate to good, sale on corn flakes. Asda, slight to moderate, heavy crowds by evening. Marks and Spencers and Co-Op, fair. Waitrose fair to moderate, spillage in aisle 6. Morrisons slight swell, backing local scouts. Lidl, rough at first, moderate later. Aldi, stormy, close isobars on offer in middle aisle. And that's the end of the Shopping Forecast.

    • The Five Orders of Periwigs - as long as the lockdown continues and hairdressers remain closed, people are beginning to wonder how to deal with their lengthening hair. Perhaps a styling guide from William Hogarth in 1761, looking at the types of wigs at the time (somewhat satirically it has to be said), can give you some ideas for your own hair... see this engraving

    • Google have put together some resources for teaching (including help for families/carers) - see:

    • If you like crosswords, the Guardian has a range available on its website - from the quick and easy, through the cryptic to the fiendish Azed and others. These can be completed online or printed out and "completed" at your leisure. Previous puzzles are also there. See: The Telegraph also has a puzzles page on its website, but this requires a subscription (otherwise you're limited to one free puzzle a day) -

    • If you don't like classical music, then this video is not for you. If you do like classical music, then this is definitely not for you! Handel's Zadok the Priest as you've never heard it before... See: This "shred" is one of many such available on YouTube in both classical and popular genres - a test of how musical you really are is how much you cringe as opposed to laugh.

    • The Golden Bite fish & chip shop in Boroughbridge is re-opening from Monday 11th May, and may also be starting a delivery service for those in isolation.

    • Here are three rather nice postcards that have been brought up to date with appropriate messages


    • The Arkendale Poisoner - shock, horror, 202 years ago in this village - the scandal of the attempted murder and land grab. The attached picture is an advert from the Yorkshire Illustrated Weekly Post in 1930, which featured the story. To read the full account, as told in contemporary newspaper reports see the village website at:


    8th May 2020

    • As the National Archives at Kew are closed for the duration, they are now providing free access to their digital records available on their website for as long as they remain closed to visitors. Registered users can now order and download up to 10 items at a time, up to a maximum of 50 items over a rolling 30-day period. If you are researching family history or are interested in official, military or other material, then this could be up your street. See: for details and a list of the available documents.

    • In a similar manner, the Royal Pump Room Museum in Harrogate is making available pictures and information about items from its collections. See: Here are a couple of pictures they have already shown.


    • The Dining Room Restaurant in Boroughbridge is starting a menu for takeaway food from Saturday 9th May - the menu will be available from Tuesday on their Facebook page, and in the restaurant window. See:

    • Many of you will remember the Mr Men books from your or your children's past. Apparently someone thinks a Yorkshire version should be produced (perhaps a bit like the "local" versions of Monopoly?). See the attached YorkshirePeople - not hailing from the county myself I don't understand the cultural references, but you may...

    • Books & Libraries - all libraries are closed at present, but both North Yorkshire in general and Boroughbridge in particular are still active on their Facebook pages, offering suggestions for reading, and alternatives to borrowing their books. See: and

    • Something else to give you eye strain, as if all the box-set binge watching and social media on your smartphone wasn't enough. You may recall the "craze" some years ago with the "Magic Eye" pictures, where you had to stare at the random image, gradually defocusing your gaze until the hidden image pops out. Have a go at this one below, which should be familiar if you went on trips with your pet.

    • Older people looking to beat the boredom of isolation are invited to visit the Virtual Village Hall, a new programme of online activities from Royal Voluntary Service, the national charity delivering the volunteer effort for the NHS Volunteer Responders scheme in England.The Virtual Village Hall ( is a programme of themed video sessions led by expert tutors and some well-known faces, RVS activity coordinators and volunteers. Activities include gentle exercise, arts and crafts, cooking and baking, technology skills and quizzes - with beatboxing, laughter yoga and Zumba Gold planned too. Winner of The Great British Sewing Bee 2019, Juliet Uzor, will be demonstrating how to sew a simple tote bag, 2019 Masterchef winner Irini Tzortzoglou will be sharing her quick fried pitta bread recipe and couture stitcher Georgina Bellamy will introduce basic embroidery for beginners. Sessions will be available seven days a week with both live and pre-recorded activities to join in with. Some downloadable guides will be available to print and share and there will be links to official government guidelines and Covid 19 information.

    • Park Nurseries, Knaresborough, have now uploaded Facebook photo albums showing the different plants that are ready for sale via contactless collection. Phone them Monday-Saturday between 9:30am to 6:30pm on 01423 865182 with your order. They are reserving deliveries for customers who are most at risk. See:

    • Did you know that the first known mobile library service in England was the Warrington Perambulating Library in 1858?

    • Want to raise money for the NHS and get a lovely portrait taken? Five photographers in Harrogate, Knaresborough and the surrounding areas have set up The Doorstep Portraits Project for Harrogate Hospital for just that. All they ask is that you place a donation on their "Just Giving to aid Harrogate Hospital", and in return they'll take your portrait (of course following all social distancing requirements). This could be you, your family, your pets... See:


    4th May 2020

    • The May edition of the Knaresborough Now magazine, which usually appears through your door, is available online at

    • The French Chef at Home (Yves Quemerais) - based in Staveley - is offering ready-to-eat main courses on Friday/Saturday/Sundays - for collection in Staveley. For full details of the menus and how to order, see:

    • Boroughbridge Community Care is available to assist you if you are self-isolating and do not have friends, family or neighbours who can help. Call 01423 324504 or email

    • Rural Arts Yorkshire have started RADISH (Rural Arts Daily Inspiration while Staying at Home). Each day they are sharing or running something creative every weekday. See: for an outline of the scheme, and for the daily posts [also available on Twitter]

    • BBC Bitesize have launched daily lessons. With Science taught by Professor Brian Cox, Geography by Sir David Attenborough, and many more subjects at various levels. It should help with your home schooling activities - and even if you don't have any children to keep occupied you might find it informative and entertaining. See:

    • Horticap Nursery - the Bluecoat Wood nurseries and tea room are obviously closed at present, but the charity is continuing to supply plants and compost. Punnets of plants 4/6/9, pre-filled hanging baskets etc. Delivery to HG5 on Fridays. For details see:

    • The website has been set up to provide a portal for local shops and small businesses that deliver. Mainly food and drink, but a few others, including Moorland Nursery

    • If you are really bored, you could try and see what sort of messages you can make out of the titles of some of your books - however I suspect you won't manage as well as the topical message produced by Yorkshire artist Phil Shaw - and see some further examples of his work at's-'shelf-obsession'-at-skibo-castle/


    28th April 2020 - Parish Magazine "The LINK" May issue available online

    As the LINK is not being printed at present, the PDF version is being made available here.

    See: Link - May 2020


    26th April 2020 - Further information and deliveries

    • North Yorkshire Council have launched a website that features local businesses and tradespeople who are able to deliver their goods and services under the current restrictions - See:

    • Miriam's Garden - various plants and shrubs delivered. See:

    • Park Nurseries, Bar Lane, Knaresborough - See:

    • Huttons Butchers in Knaresborough deliver to Arkendale and around if you are unable to get to their shop. They are open until 2pm and deliver any orders received before 1pm, after closing. Deliveries are not undertaken on Wednesdays. Tel: 01423 863122. See also:

    • The Bay Horse Inn, Goldsborough is providing takeaways on Fridays and Saturdays - a Friday Chippy menu and a Saturday Pub Menu. Please order THE DAY PRIOR by calling 01423 797777 between 2pm and 4pm or email anytime to and they will call you back to take payment. See pub website:

    • The Grantham Arms has a new takeaway menu - see its Facebook page:

    • Spellows Village Shop, Marton cum Graton - Bedding plants, grow bags & compost now in stock. Tel: 01423 322343 or email Also see their Facebook page:

    • Hardwicks Garden Centre now have availability lists on their facebook page: See:

    • Rabbit Hill Country Store is open for contactless collections and deliveries [feeds, animal meds, hay, composts, etc.] call 01423 396 800 or email See also:

    • The Catering Hire Company in Thirsk have, for the time being, become "Mike's Gardening Club" selling and delivering a range of plants and garden necessities. Lists of available items and details of the service can be found at - See:

    • Johnsons of Whixley have teamed up with Circle & Square Garden Design who can supply plants including shrubs, perennials, fruit trees, small trees and topiary within a 20-mile radius of HG4. Plant list available. Minimum order £200 plus a delivery charge to your garden. Tel: 07729 965264 or email See also:

    • Morrisons are offering a doorstep delivery service of basic items for those elderly or vulnerable members of the community who are unable to shop in store. This is only if you have been identified as elderly or vulnerable and needing this service, and only available by phone.

    • Boroughbridge post office opening hours are currently Monday to Friday 10-12.30 and 2.30-5, Saturday - closed

    • The Knaresborough Coronavirus Support Community Group has been set up on Facebook, providing a forum for the exchange of information and ideas for activities etc. See:

    • Knaresborough Connectors connect people to over 135 different community groups in and around the town, and are the Community Support Organisation authorised by North Yorkshire County Council to provide support for people in Knaresborough. See:

    • The Cook Shop in Harrogate, which provides pre-cooked meals, is offering home delivery slots are available for people "at risk", self-isolating or working for the NHS. For everyone else, contact-free Click & Collect for the next two days is available from all our shops, which are well stocked and open to walk-in customers. For details see:


    3rd April 2020 - Further information and deliveries


    2nd April 2020 - Further information and deliveries

    • Knaresborough Now - the monthly free magazine, which normally drops through our letterboxes, is now only available online. See: for the new April issue.

    • Knaresborough Delivers - a number of local food shops have got together to help support the community and the businesses in the town. See: for the new April issue.


    1st April 2020 - Voluntary service facilities & information

    Harrogate & Ripon Centres for Voluntary Service provide advice and guidance on staying safe, opportunities for community involvement and volunteering, local charity services, practical support services and more. See:


    31st March 2020 - Houseman centenary bench

    The new centenary bench, situated at the entrance to Dale Lane on the Coneythorpe road at the south end of Arkendale, was built by David Hargreaves (agricultural engineer) in Coneythorpe, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of H. Houseman & Son farming in Arkendale.

    Hubert's grandfather bought the farm in 1919 and moved with his wife and 5 boys, all under the age of 17, from a stock farm at Brimham Rocks. The cattle were walked by road to Arkendale. Reginald Houseman had only been at Dale Farm for 2 years when he was killed in a tragic horse and cart accident. This left his wife, Annie, and 5 young boys to run the farm. Only 2 of the 5 boys married and Hubert is the only child. The farm was run by the 5 men and then later by Hubert and Peter, as we see it today. The whole family rest in Arkendale Cemetery.

    The Houseman family would like everyone to enjoy and use this bench.


    30th March 2020 - Local food delivery services

    • Spellows, the shop at Marton, you can phone in an order, and then collect from the shop, by either going in the shop one at a time, or if you pip car horn they will come out - supplying newspapers, fruit, vegetables, milk, etc. Tel: 01423 322343
    • Minskip Farm Shop are also providing deliveries of food. [See:]
    • The Hideaway Kitchen at Lower Dunsforth is providing a range of meal main courses delivered to you. [See:]
    • Eggs are available from a little stall at the side of the road between Ferrensby and Farnham. Pay cash into a locked down container there - £1.20 for 6, and help yourself.
    • Sophie Bagley, of Glorious Game Ltd at Ouseburn, offering healthier versions of familiar home comforts. Oven ready dishes which can be cooked from frozen in around 45 minutes. I'm very happy to deliver to Arkdendale for free. People can either order online (I'll add a free home delivery option) or email me with their request at [See:]
    • Delifresh are a catering food company that supply pubs, restaurants, including the Bluebell & Bettys. They have converted to home customers at the moment, and HG5 is in the free delivery zone for orders over £50, £5 for £30 deliveries - they have a good range of items, some in packs, but not overlarge quantities, some single items, covers bread, milk, cheese, raw and cooked meats, fruit, veg, some dried goods. [See:]
    • Voakes Pies, sausage rolls and many other tasty products are available online for home delivery. [See:]
    • Tillage Nurseries (between Ferrensby & Farnham) - are providing home-delivered gardening boxes of perennials, alpines and summer bedding plants. [See: Tillage Leaflet]


    30th March 2020 - Parish Magazine "The LINK" April issue available online

    As the LINK is not being printed and distributed this month, the PDF version is being made available here.

    See: Link - April 2020


    29th March 2020 - Support from the Church pastoral team in Arkendale

    If there is anyone in isolation or otherwise who needs any shopping, or would like to talk to someone, then please see the explanatory leaflet below. The Church and Parish Council are working together to provide support for people in the parish.

    Coneythorpe & Clareton residents can also contact their Community Help Line 07958 347237 or email for support within their village.

    See: Arkendale church support leaflet


    18th March 2020 - Coronavirus information - 1

    click for full size picture

    17th March 2020 - Parish Council agenda available

    The agenda for the March Parish Council meeting are now available. To view them, click here.

    See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


    Arkendale Churchyard grass cutting - can you help?

    We are in need of volunteers to help cutting the grass in Arkendale Church and graveyard.

    We meet up on a Monday evening at 6pm, fortnightly in the spring, summer and early autumn, mow the grass then adjourn to The Bluebell for well earned refreshments.

    If you are able to help with your mower, please contact Tim Braithwaite - 07718 530 577


    21st January 2020 - Parish Council minutes available

    The minutes for the January Parish Council meeting are now available. To view them, click here.

    See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


    1 June 2019 - Charity Clay Shoot raises £545

    Recently, Mike Burniston held a charity clay shoot on the farm, which raised £545.00 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Thanks to all involved in making it a special day and for everyone's generosity. Well done!


    15 May 2019 - Parish Council minutes available

    The of the May Parish Council meetings on are now available. To view them, click here.

    See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


    9 February 2019 - Parish Council minutes available

    The minutes of the 23rd January Parish Council meeting are now available. To view them, click here.

    See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


    31 January 2019 - Vacancy for Parish Council Clerk

    The vacancy is for the role of Parish Council Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer

    • 2.5 hours a week which can be worked flexibly
    • Element of evening work, principally attendance at 5 meeting per annum.
    • The Clerk will need to work from home (a laptop and printer is provided)
    • Main duties include - responsibility for managing the PC finances, current precept being £2,600, setting meeting agendas and taking minutes at the meetings of the Parish Council, updating policies and procedures in line with current legislation, dealing with correspondence.
    • Previous experience helpful but not necessary (the current clerk is happy to support with training if needed).
    Any interested person should contact the Chair, Mark Robertshaw, in the first instance at


    30 January 2019 - Defibrillator in Arkendale

    The new CPAD (Community Public Access Defibrillator) is now installed and operational on the external wall of the Blue Bell (to the right of the Main Entrance from the car park (opposite the Community Hall entrance).

    To access and use it...

    • You must call 999, and if they assess you need a Defibrillator, let them know that your closest one is on the wall of the Blue Bell in Arkendale and they will give you the code to access the cabinet. (Note: if you live within 600 metres of the Defibrillator, they will recognise this from your postcode and automatically give you the code)
    • Once you have the code either go yourself or, better still, send someone else whilst you stay with the patient, to fetch the Defibrillator from the cabinet.
    • You do not need to be trained to use the Defibrillator, it will guide you through the process and you will be fully assisted by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service operator until help arrives.
    • Follow the instructions provided by the Ambulance Service.
    • Once complete, at your earliest convenience, please return the Defibrillator Unit to the Cabinet, not forgetting to lock the cabinet.
    • If you cannot return it, or have any questions or need help, please e-mail: which will be sent through to the - Guardian, Wendy Lill (or her stand in, if she is away).
    IMPORTANT: We cannot hand out the code for the Defibrillator Cabinet as the Guardian has to know that it has been used so that the Pads can be replaced and so that we can ensure it is once again available for use. The Guardian is informed of its use by the Ambulance Service.

    In an EMERGENCY ONLY and if you cannot access the Code, please call either Wendy Lill (07947 147155) or Jon West (07960 006326)

    The Parish Council wishes to thank the Lions and Harrogate Borough Council for fully funding the supply of the CPAD, and the management of the Blue Bell for funding the installation and running costs of the unit.


    17 January 2019 - Parish Council Agenda available

    The agenda for the 23rd January Parish Council meeting on are now available. To view them, click here.

    See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


    20 November 2018 - Bonfire raises £807.25 for Yorkshire Air Ambulance

    The Arkendale bonfire, on 3rd November, held a collection for this year's charity, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Many thanks Mike Burniston & Paul Cocker for arranging the event and donating the fireworks, and to all who attended raising the magnificent total of £807.25.

    We can look forward to exceeding that at next year's bonfire!


    15 November 2018 - Parish Council Agenda available

    The agenda for the 21st November Parish Council meeting on are now available. To view them, click here.

    See the Parish Council Documents page for minutes and other official documents


    16 October 2018 - Nature conservation of the Mar project

    The main Mar works have now been completed. We have cleared the willow, removed silts, reopened the outfall and created new ponds and a footpath across the site (which won't be dry enough to be used for a few weeks yet). There are more works to do including installing bat and bird boxes and a life buoy, removing some more self seeded willow from the road side of the Mar and planting new trees and grass seeding. We also still have work to do to the north bank to remove tipped rubbish and plant new trees but this won't be done until the new year. There are some photos attached showing some during and after shots including one of our ecologist Bernadette who has been pivotal in facilitating the project in light of the great crested newts present.
    For more details and pictures see the Nature conservation of the Mar project


    16 October 2018 - Tree planting and hedgerow gapping project

    The tree planting project around the parish will take place in November and involves more than 1km of gaps in hedgerows being planted up and a significant number of new trees being planted in various locations around Arkendale, Coneythorpe and Clareton. Following discussions with the council we will not be removing any trees from Moor Lane through Arkendale as was the original proposal, rather there will be a few new trees added. You may notice that the council carried out some tree maintenance along Moor Lane in the summer and this has greatly improved many of the existing trees.
    For more details and pictures see the Tree planting and hedgerow gapping project


    12 October 2018 - Parish Council Minutes published

    The minutes of the September Parish Council meeting are now available. To view these minutes, click here.

    See the Parish Council Documents page for other minutes and official documents


    6 August 2018 - New Priest for the Benefice

    Following interviews in July, Revd. Claire Renshaw, Curate in the Knaresborough Team Ministry, has been appointed as Priest in Charge of The Benefice of Walkingham Hill (which covers Arkendale, Staveley, Farnham, Scotton and Copgrove). Her Licensing service will be held at Staveley Church on 11 October at 7.00 pm.

    Reverend Claire will be moving from Knaresborough with her husband, Steve, and their two children, Thomas and Sophie.

    Details of church services at St Bartholomew's, and the others in the Benefice, can be found on the village website.

    Archdeacon Beverley Mason, from Ripon, who has guided the benefice through the vacancy period, is to be the next Bishop of Warrington.


    12 April 2018 - Telephone scams

    There are a number of people in the Harrogate area who have had money stolen from their account by various scams in recent weeks. In one case an Arkendale resident was the victim of a scamming attack. Please take great care when responding to calls from banks, utility companies or other organisations - even the police!.

    Genuine calls will never ask for your bank account details, or ask you to transfer money from your accounts, or ask you to do something strange with your mobile phone. Always assume the worst - however plausible the caller sounds - especially if they seem to be offering you a refund or asserting your accounts are in danger.

    If you feel you need to check with the company or bank concerned, then do so - BUT a) either do it from a different telephone, or leave it at least an hour after putting the phone down (as some scammers can hijack your line), and b) use the published telephone number from the phone book, your own documents or the organisation's website. Don't use any numbers given by the caller.

    Do report any suspicious calls to the Police - tel: 101, or report it to Action Fraud by visiting or by calling 0300 123 2040. In an emergency dial 999.


    22 November 2017 - Dog fouling

    Some residents are being troubled by dog fouling on the land in front of their houses. While most of the dog walkers in the village are responsible dog-owners who carry and use their little plastic bags whenever necessary, it spoils it for everyone when this courtesy is not adhered to by everyone.

    It would be very much appreciated please if this problem could be 'cleared up' during future walks for the benefit of all.


    28 October 2017 - Church PCC Fundraising Thanks

    Arkendale PCC would like to sincerely thank all who have attended or supported the last few fundraising events held this summer and autumn. We have mixed events old and new to appeal to as many residents and businesses as possible and we are pleased to report the following .

    • Charity Clay Pigeon Shoot - £400
    • Annie's Secret Garden - £760
    • Auction of Promises and Gifts - £2198
    • Harvest Lunch - £183 - a donation to further the work of FOAG has been made from these profits.
    We hope this will enable us to meet our obligations to the diocese and also fund the upkeep of the church. It has been wonderful to see such support. If you can help with fundraising in any way, please let us know.


    14 September 2017 - Mar reports available

    The ecology and hydrological reports by the consultants working on the Mar are now available.

    For the reports and also the documents on the initial tree and hedge assessments, see the AWRP Fund pages


    21 May 2017 - Police Community Messaging

    North Yorkshire Police Community Messaging - allows the Police to identify and message specific geographical or business groups and send out news or warnings about specific issues. The system allows residents to opt for e-mail, text, phone voicemail messages for whichever location they choose, so you could also include work or school areas in addition to home addresses for example. - This is a Home Office security level property register, which is free. Any personal items that have a serial number or code on can be registered on the site. Police can then use the list to search and reunite owners with stolen or lost items. It is very easy to use - though again, it needs computer or smartphone access, and is a 'wet Sunday afternoon' type activity - to record a few valuable items to your personal file.

    We also have available a dot pen property marking device which can be used to put identifying postcode or names on a variety of property items. This is a small, electronic dot punch that can mark in different size and depth letters. It can be used to mark metal bike frames but there are a host of other possibilities, including tack and tools etc. (I have even done watches!) If a number of persons in the parish were wanting a combined marking visit, or a person has a number of items and would like an appointment, please pass on my details or get in touch.

    PCSO 5510 Philip Wright
    Response and Reassurance
    Knaresborough and Boroughbridge NPT
    North Yorkshire Police


    12 May 2017 - Arkedale Manor sales

    The Arkendale Manor was sold twice in the last century or so. Firstly in 1882, and then again in 1919 when it was largely broken up. The sale prospectuses are available to view here.

    Arkendale Manor sale prospectus - 1882

    Arkendale Manor sale prospectus - 1919

    A cleaned up version of the map in the 1882 prospectus is available on the maps page of this website.


    4 March 2017 - Telephone Box Refurbished

    The village telephone box was decommissioned and adopted by the Parish Council in 2011. As the box was in poor condition when it was decommissioned, it was agreed that it should be refurbished so that it was fit for whatever purpose was decided. Some of the grant from the AWRP Community Fund was used to renew the glazing and frames of the box, restoring the "Telephone" signs, repairing or replacing any defects in the body and frame, and repainting it.

    We are now actively looking for a use for the phone box. Current ideas are defibrillator, book exchange, noticeboard, a community fruit/veg/egg exchange where people can swap produce or a community honesty box for flowers/produce.

    Any suggestions or comments on the above ideas, please contact Oliver Quarmby -


    31 October 2016 - Chance find in Australia

    This image of St Bartholomew's Church is taken from a painting. It shows the church before alterations were made in the 1880s and also, if you look closely, a crack in the barn wall to the east of the church. This crack is clearly remembered by Hubert Houseman, who was kind enough to allow his print of the painting to be added to the website.

    The painting was discovered in Australia many years ago when a village resident was visiting some relatives. She encountered an art dealer who, on finding out where she came from, announced that he had a painting of the church in Arkendale! Sadly the painting was not signed, so we do no know who the artist was. However the painting was purchased and brought back to Arkendale.


    30 October 2016 - Time stands still in Arkendale

    We are sad to announce that the Church clock will remain at 12.45 for some considerable time. It has worked well since 1912 but, not surprisingly, has now grown 'tired' and needs cleaning and repairing.

    We have had a church clock expert to look at it and the cleaning alone will be about £1,000, and the repairs an unknown amount until they can be assessed. Perhaps in the distant future something can be done, but at the present time dealing with the damp in the Church is the priority.

    For the time being, therefore, we will be the village 'where time has stood still'!


    19 September 2016 - Arkendale Teddy Bear

    Arkendale Bear - Many of you may have noticed the 3 metre high teddy bear made from straw bales and wondered what it's all about. The teddy bear was made by Arkendale resident Wendy Lill (Houseman) in aid of Saint Michaels Hospice.

    Wendy is running a competition to name the bear. If you or your children would like to guess his name, details can be found on (just search for Wendy Lill).

    The bear is situated as you approach the village from the A168 just past the A1 flyover. Do take a look next time you pass you can't miss him!


    21 March 2016 - Allerton Waste Recovery Park Landscape & Cultural Heritage Fund

    A meeting was held in the Blue Bell Inn to discuss ideas for projects in and around the village. A significant amount of money is available over the next five years for projects in the communities near to the Allerton Waste Recovery Park, and Arkendale should ensure it does not lose the opportunities this fund provides.

    26 members of the village attended. A number of suggestions were discussed and five of the more popular ones were selected initially for further investigation.

    The minutes of the meeting are available here