The Allerton Park Landscape and Cultural Heritage Fund is designed to assist with projects which enhance the landscape, cultural heritage and biodiversity of the designated area of benefit around the Allerton Waste Recovery Park (see map below) and also projects which mitigate the visual effects of the site within that same area. The fund is administered by the
Two Ridings Community Foundation
In addition to communities, individuals can also apply for grants of up to £1,000 for individual projects - there is a quick and easy process, click the poster on the right and also see the
Two Ridings Community Foundation for further details.
Arkendale Coneythorpe and Clareton Parish Council has been awarded and accepted a grant of £25,668 from the Allerton Park Landscape & Cultural Heritage Fund. There are three projects which will be supported by this grant:
- Tree planting and hedgerow gapping - identifying opportunities on the parish's roads and lanes to improve their arboreal edges, A survey will be undertaken this winter, with a view to consulting with relevant land owners and producing a new grant application in July 2017 for the planting and remedial work, to be carried out in 2018
[Update - April 2018]
- Nature conservation of the Mar - investigating the ecological, hydrological and arboreal environment to determine the optimum way to manage the Mar for the future. A survey will be undertaken. This will inform a future grant application for any work identified. In addition there will be some legal investigations to ensure the future management of the Mar is compliant with its status as common land and any remaining owners.
[Update - April 2018]
- Refurbishment of the telephone box on Moor Lane - Completed
See the project links in the table above for further details. Updates on progress will be posted here.