The village telephone box was decommissioned and adopted by the Parish Council in 2011. Various suggestions to make use of it as a community resource have been made, but nothing has been agreed to date.
We are now actively looking for a use for the phone box. Current ideas are defibrillator, book exchange, noticeboard, a community fruit/veg/egg exchange where people can swap produce or a community honesty box for flowers/produce.
Any suggestions or comments on the above ideas, please contact Oliver Quarmby -
As the box was in poor condition when it was decommissioned, it was agreed that it should be refurbished so that it was fit for whatever purpose was decided.

Some of the grant from the Fund was used to renew the glazing and frames of the box, restoring the "Telephone" signs, repairing or replacing any defects in the body and frame, and repainting it.
This work was completed in February 2017.