Penguin Collector's Society

The Society was formed early in 1974 as the result of a meeting of a small band of enthusiasts in Richmond, Surrey. The first Newsletter was published in May 1974, listing 38 members: the first were Tanya and Hans Schmoller. Now there are several hundred members from around the world. The Society was memorably described by columnist Godfrey Smith (Sunday Times, 28 February 1982) as a
'club for the nicest kind of nutter'.
The Society's journal,
The Penguin Collector, is published every six months, together with occasional "Miscellany" volumes. Articles and communications in
The Penguin Collector, and meetings between members discuss and illuminate the history of Penguin and other early paperback publishers, provide bibliographic and publication details of the series and volumes, and offer guidance to collectors in their search for and upkeep of their collections.
The Society's website is
Penguin Collectors' Society Miscellaneous Publications
These are compilations which update material from past publications, investigate specific areas of Penguin history in detail or serve to celebrate an important anniversary in the best Penguin tradition. Some of the early issues are listed here. Those that are still in print can be obtained from the Society.
- 1977 - Catalogue of Penguin Books to 1956
- 1980 - The King Penguin Series - David Hall
1981 - Supplementary Catalogue of the Publications of Penguin Books 1956-1971
- 1982 - King Penguins: Their Place in 20th Century Publishing - Diana Bishop
- 1983 - Buildings of England: A Short History and Bibliography - Bridget Cherry
- 1986 - Miscellany 1 - Advertising in Penguins - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1987 - Miscellany 2 - For the Forces - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1988 - Index to the Society's Newsletter 1-30 - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1988 - Miscellany 3 - Mock... Missing... Miscellaneous...) - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1989 - Miscellany 4 - American Penguins; Christmas Books) - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1990 - Miscellany 5 - Penguin Illustrated Classics) - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1991 - Miscellany 6 - Happy Birthday Puffin) - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1992 - Miscellany 7 - A Collectors' Companion (Part 1, A-L)) - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1993 - Miscellany 8 - A Collectors' Companion (Part 2, M-Z)) - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1994 - Miscellany 9 - The Penguin Classics) - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1995 - Miscellany 10 - Twenty One Years - Steve Hare, Russell Edwards (eds.)
- 1996 - Miscellany 11 - Penguins March On - Joe Pearson
- 1996 - Life Histories (PP116) - Paxton Chadwick, Sheila Dorrell
- 1997 - Penguin Collectors Companion - Steve Hare, Russell Edwards (eds.)
- 1997 - Miscellany 12 - Pelican Books (A 60th Anniversary Celebration) - Russell Edwards (ed.)
- 1998 - The Buildings of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales - Bridget Cherry
- 1998 - Miscellany 13 - Lost Causes (Projects that never saw publication) - Steve Hare (ed.)
- 1999 - Father and Son - A celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Penguin Collectors' Society - Hare, Steve (ed)
- 2001 - Mary Starts to Cook - Margaret & Alick Potter
- 2001 - W.E. Williams: Educator Extraodinary - Gertrude Williams
- 2001 - The Penguin Modern Painters: A History - Carol Peaker
- 2003 - Penguinfo - Martin Yates
- 2003 - Penguin in Print - Tim Graham
- 2004 - The Typography of Penguin Books - Erik E Frederiksen
- 2006 - The Penguin Companion - Martin Yates
- 2006 - In Search of a Hero: Looking for Allen Lane - Alistair McCleery
- 2007 - Penguin by Designers - Steve Hare, Phil Baines (eds.)
- 2008 - Penguin Days: Tanya Schmoller's Memoir of her Life at Penguin Books - Tanya Schmoller
- 2008 - Penguin Classics - Steve Hare, Russell Edwards, Jim Robinson (eds.)
- 2009 - Penguin by Illustrators - Ipek Altunmaral (des.)
- 2010 - Drawn Direct to the Plate: Noel Carrington and the Puffin Picture Books - Joe Pearson
- 2010 - A Checklist of the Puffin Picture Books and Related Series
- 2012 - William Shakespeare in Penguin Books - Martin Yates
- 2012 - The Buildings of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales: A Sixtieth Anniversary Catalogue of the Pevsner Architectural Guides - James Mackay
- 2013 - Penguins On The March - Herbert Spencer
- 2013 - Abram Games and Penguin Books - Naomi Games
- 2014 - Puffins Progress - Steve Hare (ed.)
- 2014 - The King Penguin Series: a Survey - Michael Lake
- 2015 - Penguin Scribe: a collection of articles on Penguin Books - Steve Hare
- 2015 - Penguin in Africa - Alistair McCleery
- 2015 - Maigret and the Penguin Books - James Mackay
- 2016 - The Paperback Revolution - Hans Schmoller
- 2016 - Hans Schmoller The Monotype Recorder - Gerald Cinamon (des.)
- 2017 - Pelicans at Eighty: A Visual History - Paul Lickiss
- 2018 - This Once Was Us: The Life and Death of Penguin Education - Jonathan Croall (ed.)
- 2019 - White Horses - Joe Pearson
- 2020 - The Companion to the study of Penguin Books - James Mackay, Tim Graham (eds.)