St Bartholomew's Church

Our beautiful Victorian church stands at the centre of Arkendale village, but the parish also incorporates the villages of Clareton and Ferrensby.

The Church as you see it now was built in 1836 and sits on the site of a previous chapel dating back to 1393 with elements of this within the current church building including a beautiful carved face. Records from the archives show St Bartholomew’s existed in 1547. The exterior with its pitched slate roof and white brick walls with a square tower remain today. Interestingly, it was the first church to be consecrated in the then new Diocese of Ripon, in January 1837.

The Church is open daily 10am-5pm and everyone is welcome to visit - please do sign our visitors book.

Everyone is welcome to join us for our Services - Our Family Village Service is on the first Sunday of the month followed by Tea, Coffee and Treats. Holy Communion is on the third Sunday of the month ; both Services start at 9.30am.

The church can hold up to 95 people with ease, more if you don't mind your guests cosying up!

Be Part of Our Community

We understand that ‘church’ is not for everyone. However being part of a small community in the village is about people pulling together and offering help. Lots of people support the church in our community because they value the history of the building, have community pride, or want to support us in some way.

Of course we would be thrilled to welcome you to join any of our services. Our church is here to serve the community whenever it needs us.

There are so many ways you can support us. Either financially or by giving some time to help with a task. We have some volunteers, but more would always be welcome. The tasks below might be fortnightly, monthly or only once or twice a year. We would welcome extra help.

  • Grass Cutting
  • Flower Arranging
  • Cleaning the Church
  • Reading at a Service
  • Joining the 100 Club
  • Helping at Fundraising Events
  • Help with Repairs or Maintenance
  • Joining our PCC
If you’ve not time, please would you consider giving a regular amount to the Church to enable it to remain open and flourish in our community. If you are able to give either financially or by giving your time or skills please contact our Churchwarden Robyn Cox 340586.

Ways to Give

Scan the QR code and follow the simple instructions to donate.

Donate via BACS or set up a standing order:
Sort Code: 20-98-98 Account Number: 33325830


Supporting Harrogate Homeless Project

Harrogate Homeless Project provides people experiencing homelessness with a safe place to stay and the support they need to build confidence and move towards independent living.

Arkendale Church proudly supports the Harrogate Homeless Project - regularly dropping off items to them.

There is a collection point at the back of the church for the local food bank. Items can be left at any time the church is open, not just at service times. At the food bank it is sorted by volunteers.

Current items wish list
  • Tinned tomatoes/Tinned Vegetables / Tinned Soup
  • Tinned Fish / Tinned Meat
  • Cooking Sauce
  • Flour – Plain and Self-Raising
  • Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Biscuits
  • Breakfast Cereals
  • Long Life Milk / Fruit Cordials
  • Kitchen or Bathroom Cleaners
  • Shower Gel / Shampoo / Toothpaste / Deodorant
  • Washing Powder or Tabs / Fabric Conditioner
  • Toilet Rolls

Benefice social media
Walkingham Hill Facebook Group The Walkingham Hill Benefice on Facebook