- Algebretcetera Any mathematical equation that takes up more than a half of a page to complete.
- ambidigidexterious (am-be-dij-e-decks-tear-e-us) adjective The ability to easily manipulate the right mouse button.
- Amsomnia noun When you can't sleep but don't know it, or when you couldn't sleep but don't remember it.
- Antidisunvipoliffic The opposite of vipolific
- Antinostrician noun Someone who, for one reason or another, hates their nose.
- Aplasticate verb To smash or squish, as in “Aigh!! A mosquito! Let's APLASTICATE it!”
- Awitic noun. Someone who always says “Awwwww!” whenever they see something cute.
- Banjaxed verb To be unexpectedly prevented from achieving an objective.
- Banshaling noun A bannana impersonating a telephone, usually used when someone is pretending a bananna is a telephone. As in, “That bannana is a banshaling.”
- Bittle adjective A little bit.
- Blegne The residue that collects at the corners of our mouths.
- Blamestorming Sitting around in a group discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.
- Blarg noun 1. An alternate pirate exclaimation, the norm being arg! 2. Sap from the roots of the South American Bolobar tree used in the manufacture of cubic zirconium.
- Blastnostricate To have a liquid pass through one's nose.
- Blinkenspiel noun. The continous blinking of a digital readout, e.g., that of a clock radio or vcr.
- Blooblehead noun An immature, perverted, and/or annoying person.
- Bloviate To orate verbosely and windily, esp. of politicians.
- Borrrgishness Being bored and annoyed at the same time, such as finding nothing on TV when you have 141 channels.
- Catsbreadth noun A unit of measurement meaning the width of a cat. “Leave the door open one catsbreadth so the cat can get out while I sleep.”
- Carperpetuation verb The process of vacuuming over a piece of lint a dozen times, picking it up, examining it, and putting it back down for a second chance.
- Cerebroredundogram noun A word, phrase, or song which keeps running around in your head. Contributed by
- Chronosecistness Not being able to find a proper stopwatch for a race and having to use an ordinary watch with just a second hand.
- Cinitesiplosmanium noun Element # 416. Will solve all global warming problems and when taken in pill form, will cause everyone to live in piece and harmony. To be discovered in the year 3671.
- Cube Farm noun An office filled with cubicles. See also Prairie Dogging.
- Decifume (dF) A unit of smell intensity. [DECI(BEL) + FUME]
- Democollated All blown up, completely broken, irreparable, as in “The breaker was completely democolated.”
- Diviparenthesism Forgetting to put on an end bracket “)” when you have started a substatement with a “(“. (Hey, we've all done it before.
- Doesn'tmatter n. A hypothetical form of matter similar to normal matter, except that it's atoms do not exist. The theory of doesn'tmatter was first proposed by A. E. Roraback to explain the preponderance of apatheticism that permeated the air about him. Mr. Roraback was once known to say, “You of course have heard of anti-matter??? We have taken it one step further. We are so insignificant in the scheme of things that we have what is known as doesn'tmatter. . . Instead of . . . destroying any matter we come in contact with, no one notices.”Dr. R. Tuklov II, an expert on non-existent particles, explains, “In ordinary matter, you have atoms, in which you have a nucleus with lots of electrons spinning wildly around it. In doesn'tmatter, the electrons just sort of sit around despondently.”
- Elecceleration The mistaken notion that by pressing an elevator call button many times will make the elevator arrive faster.
- Enerdorm n. The part of the brain that controls the speed of your heartbeat during nightmares.
- Esoceicy n. Obsession or preoccupation with the little things.
- Eyerworks n. The little lights that you see, apparently on the inside of your eyelids, whenever you squeeze your eyes shut for a prolonged period of time.
- Farfig-nugen adjective Acting silly, immature, and stupid.
- Fiaquita (to have a) To have a Fiaquita means that you are tired or you feel lazy and/or sleepy, but you can't sleep or rest because you have something more important to do.
- Filth Diamond noun Don't even ask, lest the curse fall on you too!
- Fillickflash (fil-ik-flash) noun The sudden realisation that you have dialed the fax number, not the voice number. It's now too late to do anything about it as the phone company has already charged you for the wasted call. Isn't the fax machine's whistling annoying?
- Flabbergasterisk Grammatical symbol expressing extreme emotion, used when an exclamation mark is just not important enough. A Flabbergasterisk may take many designs eg massive bullet points, many pointed stars etc. Equally at home in the margins as on the end of a sentance.
- Flashbox (fil-ik-flash) noun The little box-shaped light that remains visible for some time after looking directly into the flash bulb on a camera
- flazeebo noun. A very rare animal that is a mix of a flamingo, zebra, and a hippo.
- Fledgeskum The skin on the top of a glass of milk after it has been heated in the microwave.
- Flobbergobber noun 1. A person who talks unremitting senseless rubbish. 2. The rubbish spoken by such a person.
- Foof noun A stray tuft of hair that won't stay in place.
- Frisbeeism The belief that when you die, your soul flies upward and gets stuck on the roof.
- Frisbeterian noun Someone who religiously spends Sunday afternoons teaching his/her dog to catch Frisbees.
- Fulf So full you feel like you can't eat another bite.
- Glichenlen nount 1. The black stuff left on the road after skidding your car tires. 2. The black stuff inside calculators that make numbers appear on the digital display.
- Gobsmacked verb Shocked, most suprised, taken aback
- Gombligernicampoikananity noun Religion based on the idea that someday a large wheel made entirely of cork will come down from the heavens and devour 1/10 of the world's population
- Gription noun Better than traction, as in “Those tires have gription.”
- Gry Up To compose yourself after doing something so you can carry on as if that was what you'd intended to do all along.
- Helifino Short for helifinocerous, a strange creature somewhat like a rhinocerous but never before seen by man. Often used as a generic reply to the question, “What is that?”
- Hootus noun The name of anything you cannot think of the name of. As in, “That hootus over there is broken.”
- Humnausea The incessant and actual chanting of a Cerebroredundogram.
- hunjj To mess up, low life something; basically to do as someone who spreads destruction in their path by being on autopilot or low life mentality. Someone who is an expert at “hunjjing” something is called a hunjjmaster.
- Indichronation noun. The particular variety of annoyance you feel when you're certain you set your alarm clock but it didn't go off. Also applies to watch alarms and digital reminders on the computer.
- Interantishift To have a staring contest where neither contestant wants to lose. Interantishifting.
- Ideodeprelate adjective Bearing no resemblance to the object or concept it represents. Usually used when referring to an computer icon. For example, a trash can icon is an ideodeprelate icon when it's used on a Save button.
- Jeepers interjection Used to express surprise or annoyance -- like “Jeez!” or “Sheesh!
- Jeet “Did you eat yet?” The response is usually “nahdija” (No, did you?)
- Jillion (also “Zillion”) noun An amazingly large number; smaller than infinity, but larger than everything else.
- Juff verb To put on busy gestures to disguise the fact that you're eavesdropping.
- Kazoompa noun The sound you hear when an invisible tribal wizard appears.
- Ketchallicious Delicious, but only when drowned in enough ketchup to completely hide the flavor. As in, “This sardine celery ice cream with rutabaga marmalade and three-month-old rancid bean soup is ketchallicious!”
- Kershnoogle tr.v. -gled, -gling, -gles. To throw out of gear, mess up, or mangle, especially a mechanical or electrical object or technical task. As in, “I kershnoogled my radio”
- Kinkyvision noun Special glasses that allow you to see ahead to Friday or even the weekend while you are at work.
- La meaning “Friend”, Liverpudlian in origin; used mostly by dodgy people.
- Lewcaropiatism The belief that Lewis Carroll was under the influence of drugs when he wrote “Alice In Wonderland”
- Lipostrinacity The ever-failing attempt to suck up every single bit of fluid in a cup with an ordinary straw
- Llodge The place where llamas llive.
- Makeleniumophobic One who is afraid of the Y2K bug.
- Mard interjection Used to express anger, irritation or disappointment
- Massa (to be a) When something is really good or cool, then it's a Massa
- Meyawn v. When a cat slips a meow into a big yawn.
- Munter An extremely unattractive female.
- Nark A stupid/dumb person
- Nivisecond The amount of time it takes for a blinking cursor to complete one round of blinking.
- Nomesayne “Know what I'm saying?”
- Occupated The state of being occupied in the bathroom. “I can't do it right now, I'm occupated” [OCCU(PIED) + (CONSTI)PATED]
- Ock adjective Unusual or strange.
- Pastewich A substance used to make all of the toppings on a large sandwich stick together instead of falling out on the first bite and having to be eaten with a fork.
- Penciventilate To blow upon a pencil after having removed it from the sharpener.
- Prairie Dogging When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on. See also Cube Farm.
- Preneezle (preh nee'zul) noun Any device used to forcibly remove a fire hydrant from a sidewalk, usually in large urban centers where on-street parking spaces are scarce.
- Putsculp noun. Any object made out of silly putty.
- Quiggiligus One of the individual holes in the mesh on most speakers (plural - quiggiligi).
- Quirpy Jittery, high-strung.
- Resplugnant adjective Dazzlingly repulsive; arousing feeling of brilliant disgust.
- Rone noun A distracting, unsourced memory. A memory of locking the door is a rone if you're not sure it's not left over from yesterday.
- Sanigene That sickly shade of gray-green paint used in some older buildings.
- Scrunged verb Seriously creased, esp. of clothes at bottom of pile. “I was going to wear the cashmere tonight, but it was all scrunged up.”
- Sente When you are writing an exam and you are just in the middle of a sentence when the professor says “Time's Up!”, the sentence you were on is called the sente.
- Septopus An octopus with a birth defect.
- Shmillion noun The highest number or denomination of currency.
- Shwill Can mean either “shall” and “will.” [SH(ALL) + WILL]
- Simples noun A condition where an individual giggles uncontrollably for no apparent reason esp. during inconvenient times as in, “About two hours into the meeting I got the simples so bad I had to leave the room.”
- Slorkiness The feeling you get when you go somewhere (eg the kitchen), potter around for a while then leave without doing what you went in there to do. To feel slorky is to feel slightly silly and probably a bit annoyed.
It also applies to logging onto the Internet and checking out the latest sites, looking at the new postings on Usenet, then logging off and shutting down without checking your email which was what you switched the computer on for in the first place.
- Snaff noun. The tractor feed strip on the side of computer paper. So named because when torn off, the strip makes the sound “snaff!”
- Spamger The resulting anger a person feels after they open their E-mail box, only to find it full of useless SPAM E-mail. [SPAM + (AN)GER]
- Sphagnomat A proximity detector for moss.
- Spifferific adjective Ultimately cool. [SPIFF(Y) + (T)ERIFFIC]
- Squadelphious Excellent; first rate. Cool.
- Stanky adjective Past-tense of stinky.
- Stuff noun 1. The basic substance of which all matter is composed. Contrary to common belief, matter is not made of atoms and molecules. It is actually made of stuff (see Theory of Quantum Stuff). Stuff comes in many varieties and many levels of quality or “workmanship”. In it's raw form, stuff resembles liquids of varying consistencies and colors. The following colors of stuff have been discovered so far: Blue Stuff is the stuff that powers your computer. You can see it filling up the percentage bar as your computer does work (unless you have colored gel covering the percentage bar, for that “modern” look). It's really bad when your computer runs out of blue stuff. Sometimes one of the blue stuff tubes bursts or springs a leak, and then the whole screen goes blue. That's really bad. The word is that care should be taken when purchasing blue stuff, as there are some companies selling watered down versions. PRIVATE “TYPE=PICT;ALT=“Brown Stuff is good, but only if it's genuine. It's the stuff hamburgers are made of. Actually, they are made of a theoretical variety of pink stuff, but the pink stuff reacts with the red stuff (which is what heat is composed of) to form brown stuff. Hamburgers rule, therefore brown stuff rules. Unfortunately, most of the brown stuff that you encounter in the world these days is not genuine, but fake. Fake brown stuff is the sort of stuff you find in the bottoms of mud puddles after it rains. Black Stuff See Glichenlen. 2. Any object or belonging made from stuff. Ed Roraback has this tip on the care and feeding of stuff: You are supposed to squirt ketchup on stuff every few days to prevent the oxidization of stuff that occurs in a ketchupless world. 'Bram had it right when he stated that “Cold pizza is good because of the neat stuff it does and it's predisposition to causing individuals to become model citizens could diminish the cost to society of evil doers and the bad stuff they would do otherwise.”
- Swanky Oddly and exquisitely spiffy, as in, “My dear, you look mighty swanky.”
- Technogibberlists noun Those annoying little men who prowl computer stores and correct us when we pronounce URL as “U-R-L” instead of “Earl.”
- Thudgle noun. Any quantity of a food which somehow or other gets on your body, as in “I have a thudgle of ketchup on my sleeve.”
- Thwithy (thwith-thee) adjective Like one is going to throw up; car/sea/airsick; sick to one's stomach.
“After riding on the S.S.Nathaniel for 3 hours, I was bound to feel thwithy.”
- Triff Hip, cool, modern, expensive, and very cutting edge. The best of the best. Can be used to connotate a place or a person.
- Tringatuloid noun. Any mechanical device having exactly three gears, three plastic tubes, three ball bearings, three rutabagas, and at least one blue bottle full of thick green liquid.
- Turfing Browsing the web for Irish sites or sites with Irish content. From “surfing” + “turf”. Turf, or peat, has been harvested from the bogs of Ireland for centuries. It is used for fuel and horticultural purposes and is synonomous with rural Ireland.
- Uffda Wow!
- Uffy adj. The feeling your head gets just before a bad cold hits; also, how you feel if you take too many antihistimines.
- Unobtainium noun The perfect material for the job, but does not exist, or cannot be had.
- Vercrigenton The color before red on the rainbow that was dropped since it messed up the acronym ROY G. BIV.
- Vipolific (vi-po-li-fick) adjective 99% perfect. As good as you can get because nothing is 100% perfect. Everything has a negative side. See also antidisunvipoliffic
- Wnatcha noun A figurative dance that normally signifies an error or a failure. “Man, I was really doing the Wnatcha last night after I got dumped!”
- Wobter noun An airborne craft that causes severe motion sickness. [WOB(BLE) + (COP)TER]
- Xoox noun. The center box in a game of tic-tac-toe.
- Yarf interjection Used to express anger, annoyance, disappointment or contempt.
- Yewphobic Someone who dislikes the letter U.
- Yurp v. Having a burp slip out in the middle of a big yawn.
- Zillion See Jillion
- Ziqx A word with no meaning designed only for use in Scrabble